madness continues with the Audible Disease Rupture RP-2. The Rupture creates a feedback loop that takes almost any signal-processing device and
churns out frenzied sonic cruelty. You can control the amount of feedback
in one of two ways. A built in photo eye shifts your sound into audio hell
based on the amount of light the eye sees. Flick the switch and you can
manipulate the amount of feedback with a twist of the knob. Put a delay
pedal in the loop and concoct a demented swelling wall of noise. Filters,
Chorus, Phasers, and Flangers sound like a bus wreck times infinity. A distortion
pedal in the loop creates sick screeching sounds you can use to breed audio
anguish. Experiment with anything and everything to get the most psychotic
sounds you have ever heard! Be warned though, The Rupture can create exceedingly
loud sounds. Caution must be used at extreme volumes.
Looking for tips on how to get the most out of your Rupture RP-2? Click here.
Looking for tips on how to get the most out of your Rupture RP-2? Click here.
MSRP: $156.00 (USD)

Video demo of the Rupture RP-2